Coffin ABOUT


poisoned to my rotten core

mood:  The current mood of anarchysin at

mr self destruct


he/they, 20 (or maybe 200)

nowhere, usa perpetually stuck in the 1990s neocities' resident nine inch nails fan

call me reznor or just anarchysin (creative nicknames welcome, idrc what you call me)

i sometimes use the pseudonym mr self destruct as well




COLOR COMBO: black and red

ANIMAL: bats and black cats

DRINK: dr pepper

FOOD: blood (just kidding... or am i?)

BANDS: nine inch nails, skinny puppy, kmfdm, ministry, type o negative, tool, slipknot

MOVIES: the crow, interview with the vampire, queen of the damned, the matrix, scream, se7en, donnie darko, manic, zero day

"this is 1999. everyone has a webpage."

